Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of potato selection for the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is the creation of early varieties pos-sessing a complex of necessary traits, stable yield and quali- ty, resistance to the most widespread diseases in the region, adapted for cultivation conditions. The problems of selection on early ripeness consist in difficult nature of inheritance of the sign of early ripeness, negative correlation with important economic and valuable signs, difficulties of exact and fast identification of early ripe forms. Creation of early potato vari- eties in SRIA (Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture) nowadays Siberian ASC (Siberian agrarian scientific center) has long history. The State register list of selection achieve- ments of the Russian Federation from 1950 to 2000 included 6 varieties: Sibiryak, Sedov, Severyanin, Ermak uluchshenny, Omsky ranny, Alyona. Early table potato variety Triumph passes state trails since 2017. As parental forms at creation of early varieties at the initial stage were used Rannyaya rosa, Katahdin, later - Kameraz, Zarevo, Nevsky, Granat in which origin there are wild species. For using in selection on early ripeness varieties Rozara, Evolution, Alyona, Lyubava, Lilley, Meteor, etc. were revealed. On manifestation of a number of signs in culture in vitro it is possible to do a prelim- inary estimate of early ripeness of the varieties and hybrids for 1-2 cycles of regeneration of plants of potatoes that can precede and confirm field estimates and accelerate the identi- fication of early ripe genotypes in selection process. On the basis of long-term selection work methodical approaches were developed for early varieties selection: on selection parental forms for hybridization, to creation and the assess- ment of selection material, selection of early genotypes.

selection, potatoes, variety, early ripeness, sign, crop, hybrid combination
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