In the Republic of Tyva the yields in the past 20 years grew more than 5 times from 2.0 to 10.9 c/hectare. The in- crease in gross collecting and their stabilization are important.It is possible to solve this problem by creation and further introduction of adaptive culture varieties. This will give an opportunity to increase the yield up to 1.5 times. First of all it is necessary to pick up adaptive forms for selection. The pur- pose of the study was to select new adaptive spring barley source material for selection work in the conditions of the Republic of Tyva. The research was carried out in the field of the Tuva RDIA in 2011-2016. The predecessor was bare fallow. The soil was dark chestnut loamy with a neutral soil reaction pH -7.0. The objects of the research were 21 sam- ples of summer barley from N.I. Vavilov VIR world collection were used Acha (standard), Donetsky 8, Maxim, Sold, Nutans 1207 x Elsa, Temp, Ranny 1, Liniya 25 (early maturing) Nutans 86, Mestny (Yakutia, 1925), Mestny (Omsk, 1918), Celaya, Mestny (Yakutia, 1927), Heartland, Chervonets, Mestny (Tomsk, 1922), Pirkka, Mestny (Buryatia, 1920), Nevan, Zalarinets, Jo 1098. Weather conditions during study years were different: 2011, 2013. - excessively wet (GTK = 1.74, 1.92); 2012, 2014, 2016 were not enough wet (1.18,1.29, 1.26), 2015 were dry (0.73). Basing on the results of the studies from investigated samples of summer barley of the VIR collection, the samples were selected for productivity: Donetsky 8 (к-2368, Ukraine), Acha (k-27737, Novosibirsk Region), Nutans 1207 × Elsa (to-26963, Ukraine), Ranny 1 (to-27737, Novosibirsk Region), Liniya 25 (early maturing) (to-26286, Moscow Region), Nutans 86 (to-29158, Kazakhstan). Allocated stable and plastic samples of Ranny 1, Liniya 25 (early-maturing), Nutans 86, Mestny (Tomsk, 1922) should be involved in adaptive selection crossing program for the territo- ry of the Republic of Tyva.
barley, yield, variation, adaptability, stress re- sistance, ecological plasticity and stability
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