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Abstract (English):
The aim of the study was faunistic survey, as well as the analysis of trophic links of Tachinid flies larvae (Diptera, Tachinidae) subfamily Exoristinae in Primorsky Region of the Russian Far East. The study used material collected in 2009- 2016 in Primorsky Region as well as literary data. More than 300 specimens Coleoptera and more than 400 larvae of Lepi- doptera were collected. Subfamily Exoristinae includes 147 species, which belong to 70 genuses and 7 tribes in investi- gated territory. Tribe Exoristini includes 6 genuses, 19 spe- cies; Blondeliini - 23 genuses, 49 species; Acemyini - 1 ge- nus, 1 species; Ethillini - 3 genuess, 3 species; Winthemiini - 4 genuses, 12 species; Eryciini - 12 genuses, 29 species; Goniini - 21 genuses, 34 species. The hosts of Tachinid flies subfamily Exoristinae in Primorsky Region are insects from the orders of Lepidoptera (60 % of genus Exoristinae), Coleoptera (12.5 %), Hymenoptera (12.5 %), Orthoptera (8.8 %), Diptera (3.8 %), Dermaptera (2.5 % of genus Exoristinae). The information on parasitization of Kallisomyia stackelbergi Borisova in imago Gametis (=Oxycetonia) jucunda (Fald.); Istocheta subrufipes Borisova in imago Holotrichia parallela Motsch (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) has been given for the first time. For most representatives of Exoristinae larval stage is characterized by broad and narrow oligophagy - they parasitize Lepidoptera caterpillars from one or more families. Oligophage group also includes representa- tives of genus Biomeigenia Mesnil, Istocheta Rd., Medina R.-D. et al., parasitizing in Coleoptera; species of genus Admontia B.B. - Diptera; Phebellia R.-D., Drino R.-D. - Hy- menoptera. The species of the genus Exorista Mg., Blondelia R.-D., Bessa R.-D., Smidtia R.-D., Trigonospila Pokorny,Meigenia R.-D., Erythrocera R.-D. are referred to the group of polyphages (parasitize in insects from several orders).

Diptera, Tachinidae, polyphages, oligophages, larvae, imago
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