Russian Federation
The research objective was ecological assessment of the effect of lead in the system the soil-plant-animal and the de- velopment of evidence-based receptions of detoxication of lead by the enrichment of forages with selenium. The re- search objects were laboratory animals - rats of Wistar line, minerals - lead, selenium, meadow and chernozem soil, table beet and carrots. For modeling of receipt of minerals in animal organism the forages grown up in the conditions of anthropo- genic pollution with heavy metals were used. After harvesting received forages were used for feeding laboratory animals, rats of Wistar line. Experimental animals kept on a standard laboratory diet, every day within six months table beet, carrots grown up in field experiments with application of minerals were added into their feeding. The analysis of the content of lead in vegetable cultures showed that table beet and carrots had intensively accumulated these elements in the conditions of additional receipt them to the soil. At the same time accu- rate regularity at accumulation of heavy metals in root crops of studied vegetable cultures was observed: the more there was a dose of the element brought in the soil, the more was its content in root crops. Blood sampling from femoral artery, liver and kidneys under a radio anesthesia was for laboratory researches in the animals of control and experimental groups. Received blood was divided into plasma and erythrocyte weight. In blood plasma the content of general protein and its fractions (albumine and globulins), glucose, dairy and uric acids, urea, activity of enzymes of alanineaminotransferase, aspartateaminotransferase, maintenance of Ca and P were determined. By the results of the research the accumulation of lead in the liver of animals and violation of its functions was noted, at the same time using selenium contributed to the normalization of a number of indicators. Selenium is capable of reducing the content of lead in the liver of animals and promotes decrease in toxic effect of this metal.
heavy metals, selenium, rats, biochemistry, general protein, glucose, uric acid, urea, lactic acid, liver
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