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Abstract (English):
The materials on technogenic pollution of lands under the influence of industrial emissions of the enterprises Krasmash, KRASTETS-1 and RUSAL are presented in the study. The researches were conducted on the territories adjacent to the- se industrial enterprises, during 2015-2017. Total indicators of pollution of lands by heavy metals in territories of studied ob- jects were established. The data of the analysis of lands pollu- tion with heavy metals are submitted. Comparative analysis of obtained data to the level of maximum permissible concentra- tion was carried out. Chemical pollution and their growth were determined by all indicators of the soil which were exceeded during 2015-2017, it testifies about annual formation of pollu- tion in the layers of the soil which degree needs to be de- scribed and predicted quantitatively for the design and zoning of urban areas. The interrelation between total indicators of soils pollutants was also established. The impurity of soils was characterized by heavy metals and other pollutants in the borders of studied territories by mathematical calculations and the method of subsidence. Further complex assessment of ecological condition of regions of the arrangement of studied objects for further recommendations about land use of these areas was given. The suggestions for the improvement of lands monitoring for the areas of industrial urbanized territo- ries were made. Received results also allowed formulating the suggestions for the improvement of the quality of lands of industrial urbanized territories monitoring.

monitoring, pollution, heavy metals, pollutants, soils
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