The assessment of ecological condition of soils of various districts of the city of Krasnoyarsk received by means of the method of phytotesting and chemical analysis according to the content of heavy metals in soil samples is presented. The samples of soil cover for phytotesting and determination of the content of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals were selected from eight points located in different districts of the city of Krasnoyarsk: Tsentralny, Lenisky, Sverdlovsky, Sovetsky, Kirovsky, Zheleznodorozhny, Oktyabrsky. The following test plants were applied to phytotesting: garden cress, rapeseed and wheat. It was revealed that the contentof gross forms of copper, nickel, manganese and chrome in the soil of studied points of supervision did not exceed limit values, but the excess of concentration of gross forms of lead, zinc, cobalt was noted in Matrosov St. (Sverdlovsk area) and Tchaikovsky St. (Leninsky district). The excess of maximum permissible concentration of mobile forms of such heavy met- als as lead, copper, nickel, zinc, manganese, cobalt, maxi- mum excess in Matrosov St. (Sverdlovsk area) and Tchaikov- sky (Leninsky district) was revealed. Soil samples had the greatest toxic impact on morphometric parameters: garden cress - from Matrosov St. and Tchaikovsky, rapeseed - Matrosov St. and Kutuzov St., wheat - Solnechnaya St. and Krasnomoskovskaya St. It is assumed that the obtained dis- crepancy in values for seed germination, morphometric pa- rameters of test plants is associated with different sensitivity of different plant species to the presence of toxicants (heavy metals) in the soil cover. Nevertheless, it is advisable to con- duct phytotoxic assessment of soil samples using two or three test plants.
heavy metals, phytotesting, soil, city, pollu- tion, ecological monitoring
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