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Abstract (English):
The data on quantitative content of major minerals in dry vegetative samples of meadow herbages near estuary parts of the valley of the river Bolshoy Yugan (in the vicinity of Yugan village of the Surgut district of Khanty-Mansi Autono- mous Area - Yugra) were obtained by the method of ICP- weights-spectrometer analysis. The content of Ca, K, Mg, P, Mn, Fe, Na, Al, Si, Ti, Rb in six phytocenoses was studied, three of which (sedge, water-sedge and sedge-horsetail) were developed in floodplain troughs, two (miscellaneous-sedge and meadow-canary grass) - on the mane of the floodplain and one (forbs and grasses) - in the beyond-estuary parts of river conditions. The sampling of herbage was made upon termination of long flooding of bottom land in 2015. Essential distinctions of element structure of herbages depending on conditions of a site of meadow communities were established. Most clearly this dependence was traced in increased con- centration of the content of most of the substances found in the herbage of long-poured sedge-horsetail phytocenosis. Quantitative distribution of macrocells in elevated phytomass of different types of plants revealed the regularities of individ- ual accumulation of certain elements. Thus raised content of separate elements as a part of plants was not always ex- plained by selective accumulation. So, high rates of the con- tent of Mn and Fe indicated the existence of pollution on the places of sites of collecting samples caused by features of hydrochemical indicators of water objects near which they settle down, and also the existence of anthropogenous load- ing. Each of studied phytocoenoses had a number of charac- teristic features in the distribution of the concentration indices of elements; however, general regularities of the major macrocells concerning lithological and geomorphological position of the sites and their dependence on flooding water mode were traced.

macrocells, meadows, herbage, flooding, Siberia
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