The results of a six-year study of biological features and ornamental qualities of 10 varieties of Korean chrysanthe- mums, created in Botanical Garden-Institute of the UNC RAS, in Ob forest-steppe region are presented. For the varieties Atysh, Afarin, Volny Agideli, Guzel, Director Shigapov, Zagir Ismagilov, Karaidel, Leysan, Polyanka, Radik Gareev the comparison of their phenorhythms and morphology in conti- nental and moderately continental climate are given. It is re- vealed that in the conditions of Ob forest-steppe region ex- treme beginning of wintering, when in first-second decade of November there are minimum temperatures below -20 °C for several days, leading to significant loss of most varieties. In this regard, mother plants of varieties are recommended to be kept in greenhouses. Such varieties as Guzel, Director Shigapov, Karaidel, Polyanka and control variety Isabel had winter hardiness at the level of 85-100 % during all years of the research, except extreme wintering with a sharp decrease in air temperature in November which caused the decrease of winter hardiness up to 40 %. The varieties Atysh, Afarin, Volni Agideli, Zagir Ismagilov, Leysan, Radik Gareev after extreme wintering were lost completely and restored by cuttings rooted in the greenhouse. High accumulation of snow cover nega- tively affected spring regrowth and further development of varieties Polyanka, Isabel and Karaidel, which proved to be less resistant to aging. They are recommended to be placed in the areas with less accumulation of snow cover. In the conditions of continental climate of Ob forest-steppe region the varieties of Korean chrysanthemums are of great interest for small gardens decorating. The varieties of early and mid- dle flowering periods allow creating autumn ornamental effect of flower expositions. For successful wintering it is recom- mended in late autumn to cover the plants with fallen foliage layer of 7-10 cm.
chrysanthemum, Ob Region, phenorhythms, winter hardiness, ornamental qualities
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