Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The studies were conducted in physiological laboratory of the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medi- cine of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, the Depart- ment of Internal and Non-Infectious Diseases, Obstetrics and Physiology of Farm Animals. The rabbits at the age of 7 months were divided into experimental and control groups of 5 heads each. Both groups of rabbits received forage ration corresponding to the norms of feeding. Vitamin paraaminbenzoic acid was included in the ration of feeding 1 time a day for 10 days during morning feeding in the amount of 10 mg per 1 kg of live weight. The number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin, as well as the content of the total protein and protein fractions in the blood of experimental and control group of rabbits was determined on the 11-th day after including vitamin paraaminbenzoic acid in feeding ration. By puncturing with a small diameter needle, the capture of blood was performed from the ear vein, located externally along thin edge of the ear. From collected biomaterial the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin as well as the content of the total protein and protein fractions in the blood was determined. It is shown that at the addition into the diet of feeding of rabbits of PABA vitamin in the number of 10 mg within 10 days the indicators of leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin slightly increased by 1 kg of live weight, however were in the limits of physiological norms that which suggests the stimulation of leukopoiesis, erythropoiesis and hemopoiesis. The amount of total protein in the serum in ex-perimental group of rabbits was also within physiological norm and was lower by 7.03 % than in the control group, which was due to the fact that the introduction of vitamin paraaminobenzoic acid in the diet had positive effect on the digestibility of food proteins. The results of the study of protein fractions showed an increase in fractions in experimental group as compared to the control group, which can be related to the increase in liver protein synthesis function, protein syn- thesis in the body tissues, and active transport of protein with blood. Thus, the addition of paraaminbenzoic acid in the diet of rabbits at the dose of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight during summer period of the year had positive effect on leukopoiesis, erythropoiesis and hemopoiesis, as well as on the amount of the total protein and its fractions increasing its disintegration and digestibility.

vitamin paraaminbenzoic acid, rabbits, leuko- cytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, total protein, albumin, α- globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin
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