Clinical and morphological features of manifestations of brain lesions in decorative rats under natural condi- tions were studied. The objects of the study were 36 decorative rats, 23 females and 13 males with clinical signs of brain damage. The animals were kept as do- mestic pets by private owners in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The studies were carried out using clinical, pathological and anatomical and histological methods. Clinical meth- od consisted in observing behavioral reactions, motor activity and coordination of movement of sick animals. After death of animals, pathological and anatomical study was performed. For histological studies, the brain and pituitary gland were selected. Basing on the charac- teristics of the disease, the animals were divided into 3 groups. The first group had a gradual increase in the symptoms followed by sharp deterioration and rapid confluence into the state of soporus. The lifespan of these rats was from 6 to 10 months. In the second group, the disease began sharply, in severe form with a rapid confluence into the state of soporus. Life expec- tancy was 3-7 days. In the third group slow deteriora- tion in clinical state was observed. Life expectancy was up to 2 months. Basing on pathological and anatomical and histological studies in rats of the first group, there was found adenoma of pituitary gland, mainly chromophobic. Hemorrhagic stroke was detected in animals of the second group. The third group included otogenic abscess, meningioma and encephalitis. It was found that the most common lesion was hemorrhagic stroke. The second place was occupied by adenomas of pituitary gland. Males were more susceptible to strokes, became ill at an earlier age. In females, stroke and pitui- tary adenoma occurred with equal probability. Cerebral lesions in rats were differentiated on the basis of clinical manifestations of the disease.
decorative rats, brain pathologies, pitui- tary adenoma, stroke
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