Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was to study immunomodulatory effect of meal of sea-buckthorn on thymus of the calves received from the cows with meta- bolic acidosis. In the research seabuckthorn cake, the waste of pharmaceutical industry and inexpensive raw material was used. 30 calves at the age of 20 days par- ticipated in the experiment. The calves were picked up by the method of analogs. 3 groups up to 10 heads in each were created. It was established that metabolic acidosis in cows on the farms of Krasnoyarsk Region fluctuated within 60-80 % of the number of studied ani- mals. Biochemical and immunobiological indicators of the blood of the cows with metabolic acidosis and in the calves received from them were lower than the norm that involves violation of formation of immunoglobulins. In the thymus of the calves received from the cows with metabolic acidosis throughout experimental period con- solidation of cortical substance, loosening of brain layer, disintegration of little bodies of Gassal were observed. In the calves receiving meal of sea-buckthorn, the seg- ment integrated a large size in the center some little bodies of Gassal without disintegration. Morphometric indicators of thymus (size of shares, linear extent of brain, cortical substance, quantity of little bodies of Gassal) in the calves receiving seabuckthorn meal au- thentically increased 2.89 times in comparison with con- trol, the thickness of cortical and brain layer of thymus authentically increased in 2.34 and 2.03 times respec- tively. The quantity of little bodies of Gassal was more reliable in the calves of experimental group by 2.69 times that testified to more intensive development of thymus in comparison with that of the calves of control group. The use of seabuckthorn meal daily 20 g for a calf within 30 days authentically normalized morphomet- ric and pathomorphological indicators of thymus, and also the indicators of immunobiological status in com- parison with the calves who were not given sea- buckthorn meal. This way of impact on immunity of weakened calves was rather effective and economic.

calves, cows, immunity, metabolic aci- dosis, seabuckthorn, immunocompetent organs, thy- mus, pathomorphological and morphometric parame- ters
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