Blueweed (Echium vulgare L.) is a perspective offic- inal and melliferous plant. Due to not sufficient research of ecological and biological features of the species, the aim of the study was to assess the level of modification variability of E. vulgare in ecotopes of the Central Cau- casus Mountains. The research objectives were to study phytocenotic confinedness, the analysis of the status of populations of E. vulgare on demographic and biometric parameters, evaluation of the biochemical variability for the total content of alkaloids. The studies were conduct- ed in 2017-2018 in natural phytocenoses and technogenic ecotopes on the territory of the Kabardino- Balkar Republic and the Republic of North Ossetia- Alania. Total projective cover of the grass stand, its av- erage height, the number, density of individuals and biometric parameters of generative sprouts of E. vulgare were determined at the registration sites. General con- tent of alkaloids was determined by weight method, the content of heavy metals in the soil and plants on the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. According to the received results, plants E. vulgare freely occupy anthropogenically disturbed grassland plant communi- ties at the height from 200 to 1400 m above sea-level and above. Undisturbed meadow phytocenoses and old deposits are resistant to colonization of E. vulgare (den- sity 0.41-1.92 individuals per m2). The maximum values of the number and density of individuals E. vulgare reach in moderately disturbed (2.56-5.25 individuals per m2) and severely disturbed (3.18-5.38 individuals per m2) ecotopes. The high morphological variability is characteristic of E. vulgare. The height of the sprouts, the length of the leaves, the number of side sprouts and leaves on the main sprouts are indicators of ecological- cenotic conditions of growth places. The greatest influ- ence on the variability of biometric parameters has phytocenotic competition, nitrogen content in the soil and the degree of pasture digression. The content of alkaloids in the above-ground part of E. vulgare in- creases under drought conditions (0.038 %) and heavy metal contamination of the soil (0.042 %).
Echium vulgare L, morphological varia- bility, biochemical variability, alkaloids, heavy metals
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