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Abstract (English):
Due to the reduction in production and use of manure in regional agriculture there is a need in rational use of fertilizer of vegetable remains of var- ious crops. The quantity of vegetable remains com- ing to the soil depends on the productivity of crops and use in animal husbandry. In different natural zones of the region the productivity of field cultures in 2015-2016 was unequal and depended on soils fertility, provision with nutrients, weather conditions, high-quality features, the technology of cultivation and the level of using mineral and organic fertiliz- ers. The highest rates of productivity of all cultivat- ed cultures were noted on Nazarovskaya and Chulym-Yenisei forest-steppe zones chernozyoms. In these zones the productivity of cultures was 1.5-2.0 times higher in comparison with subtaiga. In all natural zones of most of all collateral production, surface and root remains come to the soil at cultiva- tion of a winter rye and winter wheat (6.6- 10.5 t/hectare), fodder root crops (5.1 - 6.3 t/hectare), vegetable cultures (5.1 - 5.9 t/hectare) and the smallest quantity after harvesting of corn on a silo, long-term and annual herbs (2.3-4.2 t/hectare). Among different natural zones of the region the greatest average number of vegetable remains (6.71 t/hectare) came to the soil in Nazarovsky for- est-steppe zone and the smallest in the subtaiga. With postharvest vegetable remains to the soil came from 5.45 to 9.80 t/hectare of organic fertiliz- ers in terms of cattle covering manure. In agricul- ture of the region at plowing in the soil of all re- sources of vegetable remains to the soil it is on av- erage brought in equivalent number of 7.28 t/hectare of cattle manure. After hymification ofvegetable remains to the soil annually comes from0.71 to 1.30 t/hectare of humus. In subtaiga and forest-steppe zones of the region with vegetable remains 27.2- 49.0 kg of nitrogen, 13.6-24.5 kg of phosphorus and 27.2-49.0 kg of potassium brought in the soil. The compensation of carrying out due to entering into the soil of vegetable remains on natu- ral zones of the region makes for nitrogen 48.0-73.2 %, phosphorus of 29.0 -38.3 % and potassi- um of 58.1-72.1 %. Rational use of all resources of vegetable remains of field cultures on fertilizer will promote stabilization of fertility of soils, reduce scarce balance nutrients in agriculture of the region and also improve ecological situation in agrocenosis.

vegetable remains, productivity, manure, hymification, compensation, fertility, bal- ance of nutrients
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