The researches on comparative assessment of soy varieties of Siberian selection in the Nonchernozyom zone of Western Siberia were conducted in 2004-2010 in subtaiga zone of Omsk Region on gray forest soils. The duration of vegeta- tive period (shoots - full ripeness) was influencedby the features of a variety and weather. On aver- age in 7 years of researches of the earliest, 95 days lasting vegetative period, there were varieties of SIBNIISKHOZ 6 and Dina in which vegetative period was 4 days shorter, than in control of SIBNIIK315. Soy variety Omsk 4 was the most late-ripening, with vegetative period of 102 days. Field viability of all varieties depended on the conditions for the peri- od "crops shoots" and on varieties for years of the researches it averaged 80.3-81.6 %. The safety of plants to harvesting also depended on weather conditions for vegetative period and averaged 88.0-89.1 %. The analysis of the elements of effi- ciency of plants of soy showed that bigger number of beans (10.3 pieces / a plant) was in the variety of SIBNIIK 315, smaller (8.7) - in the variety of SIBNIISKHOZ 6. Thus in the variety of SIBNIIK 315 the number of grains in a bean was smaller (1.67 pieces), and in the variety of SIBNIISKHOZ 6 - bigger (1.77). The variety SIBNIISKHOZ 6 differed in the the largest grain weight of 1000 of 151.7 g, on the second place on fineness there was a varie- ty Omsk 4. In general in 7 years of researches in subtaiga zone of Western Siberia on the combina- tion of precocity, productivity and collecting protein from hectare varieties were allocated: SIBNIIK 315 (taken for control) and Dina lasting vegetative peri- od of 99 both 95 days and collecting protein with 1 hectare - 541.2 and 545.2 kg/hectare respectively. Therefore these varieties are most perspective for cultivation in the production in the conditions of Nonchernozyom zone of Western Siberia.
soybean varieties, vegetation peri- od, yield structure, grain yield, protein content and collection
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