The purpose of the research is to establish the influence of agrometeorological conditions on the formation of grass stand and the dynamics of growth of green mass of galega orientalis during growing season. The object of research is galega orientalis, a variety of Gornoaltaisky 87. In the re- searches approved techniques of V.R. Vilyams All- Russia Research and Development Institute of Forages and Russian Agricultural Academy are used. Statistical treatment of information was per- formed according to B.A. Dospekhov. According to the results of the research, it has been established that from spring regrowth to the beginning of plant-ing, the intensity of the increase in green mass pro- ceeded at a slow rate of 20 kg/hectare a day. In the process of increase in the sums of effective tem- peratures above 5 °C and the amount of precipita- tion, the dynamics of growth of green mass in the first mowing increased. To obtain the maximum yield in the phase of stitching of 12.0 t/hectare, the first cutting should be carried out on 10.06, while the average daily gain of green mass was 400 kg/hectare. By budding phase on 20.06, the in- crease in green mass was 440 kg/hectare with a yield of 16.4 t/hectare. In flowering phase, it is pos- sible to obtain a higher yield of green mass in com- parison with other development phases - 23.7-31.7 t/hectare. The gain of green mass in the first crop was 330-730 kg/hectare a day. In the phase of the beginning of fructification - fruiting, the dy- namics of growth of green mass decreased to 60 kg/hectare a day. In early stages of mowing (stitch- ing, budding), galega provides a yield for two mowings of 31.4-36.5 t/hectare of green mass. The period from June 20 to June 30 from budding to flowering is characterized by the most intensive increase in green mass was 440-730 kg/day per 1 hectare. To obtain the highest yield of galega dur- ing growing season (41.6-43.5 t/hectare of green material for two hay crops), the first mowing of its grass stand in subtaiga zone of Western Siberia should be carried out in flowering phase from June, 30 to July, 20.
galega, temperature, precipitation, development phase, mowing, harvest
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