Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the study of 2016-2017, per- formed in Omsk Region, were presented. The pur- pose of the research was to study the effect of copper fertilizers on the yield of medicinal raw ma- terials of Echinacea purpurea. The objects were Echinacea purpurea, meadow chernozyom soil, microfertilizer (copper acetate). Field experiment was laid in 2016 on experimental field of Omsk State Agrarian University on low-power low-humus medium loamy soil. The experiment was laid in quadruplicate. As copper fertilizers copper acetate((CH3COO)2Cu - 32 %) was used, which was ap- plied on the background of N125 in the doses of 0.25-0.5-0.75-1.0 MPC of Cu (2.3-9.4 kg of thefertilizer per hectare). The harvesting of medicinal raw material (green mass and inflorescences) of Echinacea purpurea was carried out by the method of direct sub-stage weighing in the mass flowering phase. It was established that using copper acetate under Echinacea allowed increasing the yield of the crop. In the experiment of 2016-2017 under single copper application, the yield increments of Echina- cea purpurea were 1.4 and 9.6 t/hectare in the background version + 0.25 MPC Cu and the back- ground + MPC Cu, respectively. Positive effect on the accumulation of total biomass during the time of the investigation (effect and aftereffect) was provid- ed by copper-containing fertilizers in the dose of 9.4 of the fertilizer per hectare, the yield was 26.2 t/hectare. Direct functional relationship between the doses of copper used and the yield of Echinacea purpurea was established. Each kilogram of the copper added to the soil, increased the yield of Eсhinacea purpurea by 1.18 t/hectare, the correla- tion coefficient (r = 0.99). Thus, applied doses of copper fertilizer salts in the range of 0.75 MAC (7.0 kg / hectare) and 1 MAC (9.4 kg / hectare) had positive effect on the yield of Eсhinacea purpurea.

Echinacea purpurea, copper ace- tate, yield, meadow-chernozyom heavy loamy soil
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