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Abstract (English):
The materials are given on the study of steppe, meadow and forest communities with the participa- tion of Oxytropis candicans. The goal is to study ecological and phytocenotic status of Oxytropis candicans in Central Yakutia. Oxytropis candicans is endemic of Middle and Eastern Siberia. In Yakutia along the river Lenа it is met up to the city of Yakutsk; there are collections from the neighbor- hood village Ugolnaya Zyryanka in the Kolyma. Botanical description of 9 communities is given, their floral composition is studied. The analysis of species composition of communities with the partic- ipation of O. candicans has shown that 62 species grow together with Oxytropis candicans. Oxytropis candicans is a component of steppe, dry meadow, forest and opus communities of Central Yakutia.O. candicans is mezoxerophyte, in relation to light is heliophyte, but well tolerates slight shading, as evidenced by its growth at the edges, as well as under the canopy of light pine forests. In these hab- itats together with O. candicans typical steppe spe- cies grow - xerophytes and mezoxerophytes, only in the arboretum, on the site with regular irrigationin the list of accompanying plants there are mesophytes. The species withstands a slight an- thropogenic impact in the form of grazing and tram- pling. Although O. candicans is tolerant to arid con- ditions of open, well-warmed areas on the slopes of indigenous shore, under favorable conditions under the canopy of the forest and in the arboretum with regular watering, it is more abundant. Not having high competitive qualities, the species has to live outside its ecological optimum.

xytropis candicans, Central Yakutia, species composition of phytocenosis, steppe communities, xerophyte, mezoxerophyte
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