Cutting is the fastest way of plants reproduction, which implies that rooted shoots reach the size of an adult plant in a short period of time. The sim- plest and most common method of cutting is rooting cuttings in water or in the ground; however, there are environmental technologies for growing plants - in hydroponic and aeroponic units using artifi- cial/natural nutrient solutions. The aim of the re- search was to conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of root formation process of tree and shrub vegetation on the example of Thújaoccidentális, L and Syringajosikaea, J grown in natural nutrient solution in hydroponic and aeroponic units. The research was conducted at the Department of Landscape Architecture and Arti- ficial Forests of Northern (Arctic) Federal Universitynamed after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk). The cuttings of arborvitae and lilac were rooted in aeroponic and hydroponic units in laboratory condi- tions during 45 days. "Gumistar”, natural 2 % or- ganic solution, was used as a nutrient solution. Ac- cording to the research results, it was found out that aeroponic unit contributed to the formation of a dense well-branched root system, which was im- portant when transplanting and rooting cuttings into the soil. In hydroponic unit a less dense root sys- tem was formed, in which only roots-carriers were formed without sucking roots of the second and third order. The percentage of American arborvitae rooted cuttings in aeroponic unit was 13%, in the hydroponic unit - 7 %; the percentage of Thújaoccidentális, L rooted cuttings in aeroponic unit was 30 %, in hydroponic unit it was 13 %. When cutting Syringajosikaea, J. it was advisable to use aeroponic unit in which the first roots of the species were formed 11 days faster in contrast to hydroponic system. According to the results of comparative analysis of cutting tree and shrub spe- cies in hydroponic and aeroponic units, the greatest efficiency of plant root formation was observed in air environment.
(Syringajosikaea J.), hydroponics, aeroponics, rooting, cuttings, natural nutrient solution, Thújaoccidentális L, Syringajosikaea J
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