The process of spermatogenesis of bulls- producers closely connected with functional condi- tion of an animal organism influences spermoproduction, which quantity and quality can be estimated by the level of bioelectric potential of surface localized biologically active centers (LBP SLBAC). The purpose of the research was to study the level of bioelectric potential of SLBAC in the bulls- producers of black-and-white and Holstein breeds with different sperm production and in dif- ferent seasons of a year. The studies were con- ducted on the basis of OJSC ‘Orlovskoye’ on breeding work of Oryol Region. The object of the study was sperm production of the bulls of black-and-white and Holstein breeds. A topographical search for SLBAC was performed by the method ofGuskov, A.V. Mamaev (1996), using ELAP- type device. The measurement of bioelectric poten- tial of SLBAC No. 5, No. 7, No. 11, No. 41, No. 44 was carried out in the morning hours, two hours after feeding, its average level was determined. Sperm from the bulls was taken in the arena on arti- ficial vagina with disposable sperm receiver, marked and transferred through a sterile sluice to the labora- tory. The analysis of electrophysical activity of the bull centers showed that, for the producers with a high level of bioelectric potential of SLBAC, an in- crease in the amount of semen obtained per bull was observed on average by 27.65 % (* P <0.05), the volume of ejaculate was 8.9 %, semen concen- tration in ejaculate - by 4.89%, native semen rejec- tion - by 51.72%, with significant differences with bulls with low level of bioelectric potential of the centers (* P <0.05). When comparing the quantity and quality of sperm production in the breeds, sig- nificant differences were noted: in average bioelec- trical potential of SLBAC, black-and-white bulls ex- ceeded Holstein bulls by 11.6 %, in the number of semen obtained by 17.5 %, and the volume of ejaculate by 9.32 %, the concentration of gametes by 13.4 % than that of Holsteins. However, with a low LBP SLBAC Holsteins had the least amount of marriage of the native seed on average of 40.75 %. A comprehensive analysis of indicators of LBP SLBAC and sperm production of producer bulls mainly characterizes the level of spermatogenesis and the state of spermatogenic tissue. The indica- tors of sperm production of bull-producers are in direct relationship with their pedigree affiliation with the level of biopotential of their SLBAC and sea- sons of the year.
spermoproduction, bulls-producers, biopotential, superficially localized biologically ac- tive centers
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