Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to reveal and justi- fy the effectiveness of the developed composition, including ASD 2 fraction, gentamicin sulfate and furazolidone, for the treatment of dyspeptic mani- festations in calves from BLV-infected cows. The objects of the study were newborn calves of Hol- stein and Simmental breeds (1531 heads) from thefarm "Zarya" Tamalinsky district of Penza area. The developed composition was drunk twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, 30 minutes before colostrum getting to stop dyspeptic manifestations in calves, the course lasted 3-5 days. In each group of calves, the General analysis of blood and biochemical parameters of blood was carried out, and also daily weighing of calves was carried out. The use of developed composition allowed to main- tain the average daily weight gain of calves at the level of 630-660 g, to reduce the duration of thera- py in 28.35 % of animals and to increase the safety of livestock to 100 %. In clinical manifestations of dyspepsia in newborn calves, leukocytosis was recorded, morphological picture of the blood of calves in the first day of life was characterized by high content of all shaped elements per unit vol- ume. Glucose levels, the amount of total protein and its fractions were reduced in blood serum, the balance of blood electrolytes was changed. The normalization of physiological parameters of ani- mals’ blood was observed in the dynamics of dys- pepsia treatment.

dyspepsia of calves, bovine leuke- mia, therapy, safety of livestock, increase in body weight, hematological parameters
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