At the inspection of 217 heads of black motley breed of cows 10 heads with clinical signs of specif-ic ulcer of a sole of hooves were revealed. The purpose of the study was to compare the efficiency of the method of treatment of the cows sick with Rustergolts's ulcer developed by us to used scheme of treatment on given farm. The research- es were conducted on the basis of JSC ‘Kansk Seed-Trial Station’ during 2017 by standard tech- nique. For the definition of clinical signs of the dis- ease inspection and clearing of hooves in all cows with symptoms of lameness and the wrong state- ment of extremities were performed. After clearing and processing of struck sole of hooves under local infiltrating anesthesia the struck tissues, dead horn and skin basis and also all pathological granula- tions were carefully removed. In control group complex powders consisting of antibiotics and streptocides and protective bandage were applied, the bandage was changed every 3 days before the recovery. Sole tissues in cows in control group at superficial damages were completely restored in 17 days, at deep damages the process was dragged out up to 49 days. In experimental group of cows at using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs at superficial damage, the lameness in animals was missing right after carrying out medical manipula- tions. Protective bandage from hooves in cows of experimental group was removed in 3 days, at the same time on the place of pathological process normal, healthy granulations of pink color were found. At superficial damages of a sole of hooves in the cows of experimental group, the tissue of the sole was restored completely in 10 days, at deep damages the process of regeneration took 28 days.
specific sole ulcer in cows, cattle, treatment
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