The objective was to study postnatal morpho- genesis of the tunica media of right ruminal vein of the stomach of cattle. The objectives of the study were to reveal the peculiarities of structural trans- formations of the tunica media of the right ruminalvein and morphometric features of its myocytes in age aspect. The material for the study was taken from 35 stomachs of cattle of black-and-white breed of seven age groups: newborns (1 day), 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, 18 months, 3 years, 8- 10 years of age. It was found out that providing ad- equate blood flow, the vessel wall develops in full accordance with abrupt development of the rumen. Characteristic feature was the increase in the thick- ness of the tunica media mainly due to the increase in the number of layers of smooth muscle cells to 18 months of age. The share of the tunica media in percentage terms increases from 24.27 % in new- borns (1 day) to 41.32 % of the total vascular wall thickness in animal aged 18 months. In older age groups, the thickness of the tunica media increases due to connective tissue. When the vascular wall thickens, the proportion of the tunica media de- creases due to the increase in the proportion of adventitia. Morphometric parameters of the tunica media myocytes are statistically heterogeneous in all age groups. The area of the nucleus increases gradually, but significant differences were found between newborns (37.15±1.75 µm2) and 30 days of age (41.59±1.36 µm2), between 30 days of age and three-month of age (47.01±1.72 µm2), be- tween 18 months old and three-years of age (59.08±2.62 µm2) animals. The area of the proto- plasm is increased to three months of age, but sig- nificant differences are detected only between the animals of 30 days of age (208.40±10.33 µm2) and three-month of age (304.52±11.88 µm2). Nuclear- protoplasmic ratio decreases from 0.17±0.007 in newborns to 0.15±0.007 in six-month old animals, and then increases in animals 8-10 years old reaches 0.19±0.009 (p<0.05). The results of the research can be used by experts in the field of biol- ogy and veterinary medicine in the condition of as- sessing the bloodstream of cattle.
cattle, stomach, rumen, veins, ves- sels, myocytes
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