For the purpose of restoration of the number of the population of red deer in Krasnoyarsk Region maral breeding nursery was established. The ob- jects of the research were marals of Altai-Sayansk population, numbering 60 heads. The method of restoration was used to the number of the deer by captive breeding and further introduction into na- ture. The dynamics of the number of marals by 2000 showed sharp decrease, in connection with itin some areas of the region was limited to it or at all hunting for marals was forbidden, and separate territorial groups were included in the Red List of Krasnoyarsk Region. There was a need for artificial maintenance of population and creation of marals breeding nursery for growing deer and release of young growth in native habitat. The experience of construction and start was given to the production of marals breeding nursery with technical charac- teristics in the territory of wildlife area Byuzinsky, including reproduction and demonstration territo- ries. Production zone was calculated for keeping and breeding marals at the rate of 1.5 hectares of pastures per one individual. Total area of produc- tion zone was 176.7 hectare. For the protection of open-air cages, steel mesh was used with a fixed node, allowing using metal pipes with special fas- teners and reinforced corners. The thickness of the mesh was 5.5 mm. The grid had a galvanized coat- ing of 230 g/m2; it was the protection from atmos- pheric pollution and corrosion. Fixed node had a different height of the cell. The bottom of the mesh was 7.6-10.2 cm; the upper part was up to 17.8 cm. This allows protecting the animals from getting stuck and injuring their limbs. Optimal ratio for rein- deer breeding in captivity is 7 jungles and 1 stag. Following the results of 2016 economic efficiency of the herd made 32 calves that allowed letting out in May, 2017 on the territory of the wildlife area "Byuzinsky" of 18 heads of the marals which were all first-horned males, in May, 2018 - 25 heads of first-horned reindeers.
metod vosstanovleniya chislennosti marala, vol'ernoe razvedenie, maralovedcheskiy pitomnik
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