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Abstract (English):
The wear of the machine as a whole is the total result of the poor technical condition of its constitu- ent elements. In this regard, for correct solution of applied problems, the machine should be present- ed as a probabilistic system of aging elements with incomplete restoration, and as a source of mainte- nance requirements for the restoration of its per- formance - the composition of distribution laws. In connection with described interpretation of ma- chines, there is a problem of evaluation of its tech- nical quality by the consumer. If only reliability indi- cators are used for these purposes, traditional con- cept of technical failure for such systems becomes insufficiently informative. In this case, it is more correct to use the integral indicator called "efficien- cy". This summary index is measured by the level of productivity and operating costs. One of final tasks of improving the system of resistance to ag- ing machines is to justify the standards controlling the moment of repair intervention as the perfor- mance of machines and the growth of operating costs. In this regard, the study of the dynamics of these indicators included in the performance as- sessment becomes a scientific necessity. In the study the dependence of operating costs andproductivity depending on their age is established. The latter is taken as a measure adequate to the loss of technical quality of machines. The purpose is to study the dynamics of indicators characterizing the efficiency of the use of machines. The tasks are to establish analytical relationship between operat- ing costs and the performance of machines de- pending on their age. The methods of differential calculation and smoothing of experimental results have been used in the research.

efficiency, productivity, operating costs
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