Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study presents the results of theoretical re- search of the interaction of the shock striker (stab) with the barrel of cedar with the possibility of preservation of bark cambium and sapwood on the trunk. Theoretical studies were conducted with us- ing mathematical modeling of the shock pulse strik- ingly controlled by hydraulic system. When model- ing the impact pulse of the striker on the tree, the main parameters of the working body were used, which included the mass of the striker, the maxi- mum angular velocity of the handle at the time of disconnecting the hydraulic cylinder, the coefficient of recovery of elastic cushion and the radius of movement of the striker connected with long han- dle. According to the results of solving the mathe- matical equations at different angles of deflection of the handle with the shock striker, the torque on the handle, the force on the rod of the hydraulic cylin- der and the maximum stroke of the rod of the hy- draulic cylinder were determined, which allowed optimizing the parameters of the shock type. The proposals for the implementation of technological process of shaking off from a growing tree with shock-type equipment using a hydraulic system,being a new promising direction in the mechaniza- tion of harvesting nut cones were developed. De- veloped equipment with using hydraulic system have been made at the level of the invention and copyrights are protected by the patent of the Rus- sian Federation No 2497343[1].

resource-saving equipment, cedar barrel, impact hammer, hydraulic system, invention, patent
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