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Abstract (English):
The materials of agrochemical inspection on the maintenance of nitrates on big array of the areas of soils of large farm of Krasnoyarsk Region of LLC ‘AE ‘Dary Malinovki’ are generalized. Three ways of tillage were studied: plow plowing and surface treatment (cultivation and disking). The determina- tion of nitrate nitrogen was carried out according to the CINAO method (State Standard 26488-85). It was revealed that the most active nitrification pro- cesses occurred in fallow fields in the conditions of dump treatment with subsequent cultivation. Weak ability to nitrate accumulation was noted in the soils of fields treated without reference. The effect of various precursors on the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil (N-NO3) is considered. Tilled precursor after disking contributes to the accumulation of a very high amount of nitrate nitrogen. Generally ac- cepted opinion about grains as bad nitrogen pre- cursors was confirmed. The influence of weather conditions in the years of observations on the availability of soils with nitrate nitrogen was record- ed. The activity of nitrification processes, the for- mation of nitrates depended on the characteristics of moisture during the growing season and the specifics of soil treatment. According to the indica- tor of the strength of influence (ISI), significant dif- ferences in the content of nitrate nitrogen were es- tablished depending on the timing of sampling and the technology of the main soil treatment of pure early bare fallow.

agrochemical inspection, nitrate ni- trogen, soil security, nitrification, tillage, plowing, disking, cultivation, weather conditions
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