Russian Federation
The results of the research carried out on the varieties of red clover (Trifoliumprаtense) variety of the Research Institute of Agriculture in Northern Trans Urals (Tyumen Region) are presented. Chemical composition of seeds is best of all studied in the cultures used for eating or for technical pur- poses, in othercultural plants is much weaker there- fore studying of chemical composition of seeds re- mains an actual topic. The purpose of the research was to study chemical composition of red clover seeds. Chemical composition of seeds was deter- mined in the Laboratory of analytical researches of the Research Institute of Agriculture of Northern Trans Urals. Total nitrogen was determined by col- orimetric method according to Kyeldal, phosphorusby vanadium and molybdenum method. To de- termine the potassium flame and photometric method was used. The research showed that nitro- gen content in the seeds of red clover varied slight- ly - 5.12- 5.65 %, with an average of 5.49 % of the experiment and eight of twelve varieties had this indicator. Steadily high levels of phosphorus for 3 years were observed on the following varieties: SALDO, Pamyati Burlaki, Ermak, Falensky 1 (0.679-0.729 %). For three years of research in the seeds of 50 % of studied varieties, potassium con- tent was at the level of the average value by the experiment (2.28%) or slightly higher. According to conducted research in the seeds of red clover, weak degree between nitrogen and potassium posi- tive correlation of average degree between nitrogen and phosphorus was noted. Between phosphorus and potassium positive relationship from weak to negligible was revealed.
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, seeds, variety, red clover, chemical composition of seeds
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