The purpose of the research was to assess agro-ecological state of the soils in degraded area in Kansk district of Krasnoyarsk Region to restore its fertility and return to agricultural use. The re- search problems were to analyze the content of humus, macronutrients and the reaction of native and disturbed by the development of soil environ- ment; to assess agroecological state of compared sample areas based on SEI; to propose the method of restoration of disturbed land array. The object of the study was a disturbed land area of 20 hectares, located within the Kansk-Taseyevo depression and dedicated to ancient valley of the river Kan (560 20/N and 95062/E.). According to the survey, the soil cover is represented by ordinary calcareous shortened medium-humus medium-loamy on brown-brown loess-like middle loam chernozyom. In the soil of test areas the content of humus, mo- bile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, nitrate nitrogen and the soil reaction were determined. Soil environmental index was calculated according to I.I Karmanov. Agroecological assessment of the soil of native land plot, as well as the stored humus horizon mixed with underlying rock was carried out. Soil cover of the territory is the subject to degrada- tion processes as a result of extraction of sand and gravel mixture by open method. The main conse- quence of this deterioration was the change of par- ticle size composition from medium-loamy to sandy and decrease of humus content. Agroecological assessment revealed high availability of soil nutri- ent element in investigated area. Homogenization of humus layer with underlying layer caused the change in soil reaction to alkaline side. Soil ecolog- ical index (SEI) diagnosed significant deteriorationof the soil disturbed by the development: in native soil (SEI = 38), in stored substrate (SEI = 30). As phytomeliorative effect, it is proposed to use agri- cultural techniques of biological recovery with a mixture of legumes and cereals of perennial crops.
disturbed land plot, industrial open- cast, native soils, stored humus horizon, underlying bedrock, agroecological assessment, soil fertility indicators, restoration, phytomelioratives
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