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Abstract (English):
In field experiment in the conditions of Krasno- yarsk forest-steppe, the influence of microbiological fertilizer ‘Azophyte’ on agrophysical condition of the soil and the productivity of rapeseed cultivar Nadezhny 92, cultivated for oilseeds, was evaluat- ed. Microbiological preparation ‘Azophyte’ was used in complex protection of spring rape as fol- lows: 1. Control: Quickstep, MKE - Galion, BP + Estok, VDG + Adueu, Zh -Borey, SC - Kolosal Pro, KME; 2. TMTD, VSK + Tabu Neo, CK - Quickstep, MKE + Azophyte - Galion, BP + Estoc, VDG + Adueu, Zh + Azofit - Borey, SK + Azophyte - Kolosal Pro, KME; 3. Azophyte - Quickstep, MKE + Azophyte - Galion, BP + Estoc, VDG + Adueu, Zh+ Azophyte - Borey, SK+ Azophyte - Kolosal Pro, KME. It is shown that using Azophyte on rape con- tributes to the increase in the density of the soil compared to the control by 0.07-0.10 g/cm3, and the decrease in the content of agronomically valua- ble fractions by 7-11 %. The treatment of rapeseed with the drug followed by foliar treatments of vege- tative plants or using the preparation only for vege- tative plants with poor moisture reserves formed a normal composition and good structure of the soil 0-20 cm. Using microbiological preparation as a treater helped to increase seed productivity of the main and lateral shoots. Total average number of pods per plant increased by 17 pcs compared to the control, which determined the increase in the yield of rapeseed by 0.39-0.65 t / hectare compared to the control. The maximum productivity of spring rapeseed was formed on the variant with using Azophyte as a dressing agent in its pure form with subsequent foliar treatments of crops (2.6 t / hectare).

spring rape, oilseeds, microbiologi- cal preparation, Azophyte, black soil, agrophysical properties, crop structure, yield
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