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Abstract (English):
The ratio of the intensity of light emission from Neonothopanus nambi mycelium under stress and content in the biomass of the fungus of primary and final products of lipid peroxidation (PLP) - diene conjugates (DC) and Schiff bases (SB) was stud- ied. For this purpose the samples of mechanically damaged mycelium was incubated in nutrient pota- to and saccharose medium without any additives (control) and in the conditions of influence of addi- tional stressful factors (experience): an additive on the medium of inhibitor of a mushroom lumines- cence (salicylic acid (SA) in concentration of 0.5 mm), acidulations of the environment to pH 5.0 and4.0 additives of acetic acid. The content of studied PLP was evaluated in biomass of control and test samples of mycelium after 4 hours of incubation (registering maximum intensity of fungal lumines- cence). DC from biomass of a mycelium extracted by the mix of solvents heptane - isopropanol with subsequent division of phases. DC content in hep- tane phase and isopropanol phase, reflecting the intensity of peroxidation in the fungus of neutral lipids and phospholipids, respectively, was deter- mined spectrophotometrically using optical density of the samples at 232 nm. To quantify the content of SB in mycelium samples, the extraction of these components from biomass was carried out with a solvent mixture of chloroform-methanol. The con- tent of SB in the extracts was determined by the magnitude of their fluorescence in the wavelength range of 400-600 nm, after excitation of the sam- ples by irradiation at the wavelength of 360 nm. In the studies it was found out that under stress (me- chanical damage, incubation in the presence of a luminescence inhibitor (SA) and acidification of the medium with the addition of acetic acid) an in- crease in the light emission of N. nambi mycelium is accompanied by a decrease in its biomass of primary (DC) and final (SB) PLP products. The to- tality of the data obtained is consistent with previ- ously expressed hypothesis about protective func- tion of luminescence of higher fungi from negative effects of active oxygen radicals, the pool of which may increase in the fungus under stress. In this case, the neutralization of excess oxygen radicals during the light emission reaction will have a pro- tective effect, in particular, to prevent the develop- ment of free radical lipid oxidation processes in fungal biomass.

luminous fungi, diene conjugates, Schiff bases, reactive oxygen forms
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