The purpose of the research was to study cate- nary characteristics of the agrolandscape for agro- ecological assessment of the structure of soil cover of the territory and land typification with subsequent development of adaptive landscape farming sys- tems. The object of the study was geomorphologi- cal profile established on the slope under agricul- tural vegetation on the territory of CJSC ‘Iskra’ in Uzhursky District of Krasnoyarsk Region. The terri- tory of the farm is located in Chulym-Yenisei Plain. The choice of the location of the catena and its construction were carried out by methods of remote sensing of the Earth. SRTM data were used to study the relief and build a large-scale map “Relief”. Field survey of the slope was also carried out, namely, geodetic determination of heights of geo- morphological profile was carried out, laying of soil cuts for reconstruction of the soil map with the dis- play of soil cover structures. On the catena con- structed using the data of remote sensing of Earth three geochemical positions were allocated: eluvial denudation landscape, transit landscape, eluvial- accumulative landscape. During field survey, se- lected positions of elementary geochemical land- scapes were refined and divided into additional categories: transeluvial, transit, transeluvial- accumulative, eluvial, transeluvial landscapes. The slope of the catena differs in close bedding to the surface of radical spreading breeds. The slope of the catena is characterized by the closeness of thesurface of radical spreading rocks. Agricultural use of this territory causes enhanced anthropogenesis, activating erosion-accumulation processes. It has been established that complex slope character of the relief leads to the alternation of dominance of eluvial and accumulative processes in certain areas of the geomorphological profile, complicated by erosion and other manifestations limit- ting soil fer- tility. Erosion processes are at the maximum in trans-eluvial positions of the landscape.
catena, elementary geochemical landscape, agrolandscape, soil fertility, agroecolo- gical assessment, soil cover structure, land typifica- tion, adaptive and landscape farming systems
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