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Abstract (English):
The results of introduced species of bird cherry in soil and climatic conditions of Kirov Region are given in the study. The best ones were distin- guished according to the complex of economically valuable signs of bird cherry of different varieties and genetic origin for winter hardiness, growth force (tree height and crown volume), features of the passage of phenological phases, resistance to damage by pests and diseases, fruit quality as-sessment. The studies were carried out in the col- lection garden of the plant nursery LLC ‘Bystry sad’. Variety samples obtained from 4 species were studied: bird-cherry tree ordinary or wrist (Рadus avium Mill.) - the form plena (terry), Meteo, Colorata; Bird-cherry Lauha (P. × laucheana), hy- brid varieties of bird cherry and virgin): Pamyati Salamatova (control), Granatovaya grozd, Neubiennaya, Purpurnaya svecha, Sibirskaya krasavitsa, Chemalskaya roskoshnaya, Olgina radost, Chemalskaya krasavitsa, Bird-cherry virginskaya (Padus virginiana (L.) Mill.) - Schubert, Bird-cherry virginskaya № 1, virginskaya № 2; Bird- cherry Siori (Padus Ssiorii (Fr. Schmidt) C.K. Schneid.) - Variety Ssiorii № 1. In the course of observations it was established that bird cherry va- rieties had no damage as a result of overwintering. The group of black cherry tree Lauha was distin- guished by growth force. Shorter periods for the passage of phenological phases are characteristic of common bird cherry varieties in comparison with Ssiorii bird species. In variety specimens originating from common bird cherry the phenophase of flow- ering was on average 2 weeks earlier than in the others. Defeat by pests and diseases (bird cherry aphid and plum pockets) were observed in the vari- eties of bird cherries, on others noticeable damage was not observed. For a complex of economically valuable traits, the varieties of bird cherry of Lauha and Ssiorii were distinguished.

bird-cherry, introduction, variety, va- riety sample, winter hardiness, wreckers, diseases
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