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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the researches was the increase of reproductive function of the sows in the condi- tions of pig breeding farm of industrial type. For the achievement of the purpose the following tasks were set: to define the influence of tetravit, ASD-2F, hemobalance, and also their various combinations on reproductive function; to study and compare the impact of the preparations on carbohydrate and fat metabolism in sows’ organisms. The researches were conducted in Belgorod Region on the sows of breed Large white Landras. Average age of the sows made 2.5 years, and average live mass of one head was 250 kg. All sows were clinically healthy. The effect of biologically active compo- nents of tetravit, hemobalance, and ASD-2F on reproductive capacity and carbohydrate-lipid me- tabolism of sows in different physiological states was studied during the experiment. Application of tetravit, ASD-2F, hemobalance and their various combinations promoted reliable reduction of the duration of pregnancy for 1.5-1.7 days in compari-son with control, and application of hemobalance and tetravit in mix with ASD-2F - to shortening of the period from weaning before return to hunting for13.5 and 10.6 % respectively. The blood of sows was analyzed for indicating the state of carbohy- drate-lipid metabolism three times during scientific and economic experiment: during the periods of gestation from the 90th to the 102nd days and the 12th day of lactation. It was shown, that the admin- istration of injections of hemobalance in complex with tetravit and ASD-2F to sows on the 94th day of gestation led to changes in carbohydrate metabo- lism: the concentration of glucose increased by 12 % during suckling period. Besides, the imple- mentation of tetravit during the last part of gestation period increased the content of glucose, cholester- ol, and triacylglycerol by 9 %, 14 %, and 22 % re- spectively. The introduction of the mixture of tetravit with "ASD-2F" led to the increase in the following lipid metabolism indicators: cholesterol indicator increased by 23 % and the content of triacylglycerol increased by 22 %.

sows, gestation, carbohydrate-fat metabolism, tetravit, ASD-2F, hemobalance
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