Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research was to study the effect of fermented milk product based on probiotic drug "EM-Kurunga" on clinical and biochemical status of piglets in gastroenteritis in early postnatal period. The research was carried out in the conditions of a pig complex "Nikolaev" of the Republic of Buryatia. The piglets were given fermented milk product pre- pared on sterile skim milk with the use of dry leaven of probiotic preparation "EM-Kurunga" for 10 days 30 minutes before morning feeding 100 ml once a day. The blood was studied in healthy piglets and sick with gastroenteritis on the 7th and 14th day of drinking fermented milk product based on probiotic "EM-Kurung". The experiments were carried out in a comparative aspect with the standard parameters in clinically healthy piglets and those having gas- troenteritis. In the study of clinical and biochemical status of the blood after the use of fermented milk product based on the probiotic "EM-Kurunga", the return to normal boundaries of all indicators wasnoted. By the 14th day in piglets of experimental group after drinking an increase in the number of hemoglobin and red blood cells to the level of the control group of clinically healthy animal was not- ed,, while reducing the number of white blood cells to 8.3∙109/l, indicating the decrease in inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract. In biochemical picture of the blood there was a significant increase in the amount of total protein, the decrease in the level of inorganic phosphorus with simultaneous increase in reserve alkalinity and slight increase in total calcium. After drinking fermented milk product based on the probiotic "EM-Kurunga" all the pigs of the experimental group had usual behavior charac- teristic of healthy animals, the skin was pale pink, the bristles were smooth and shiny, visible mucous membranes of moderate humidity, pale pink color, the frequency of defecation was normalized to one or two times a day. The studies have revealed therapeutic efficacy of this drug in the diseases of gastrointestinal tract of piglets.

gastroenteritis, pigs, probiotic prep- aration “EM-Kurunga”, clinical and biochemical sta- tus of blood, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets, total protein, inorganic phosphorus, total calcium, reserve alkalinity
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