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Abstract (English):
The article is an examination of the submission of the subject in post-structuralist philosophical concepts of Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari through the disclosure of the concepts of "death" and "resurrection" of the subject. The analysis and comparison of these concepts Carried out, their importance for the European philosophical thought. Produced rethinking the very terms "death" and "resurrection" of the subject is revealed, as the key concepts of poststructuralist subjectivity.

subject, «death of the subject», «after-postmodernism», episteme, «jouissance», «nomad», «post-Heidegger wave», post-structuralist conception of the subject, sub'ekt, «smert' sub'ekta», «after-postmodernism», epistema, «jouissance», «sub'ekt-nomad», «posthay-deggerovskaya volna», poststrukturalistskie koncepcii sub'ekta
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