Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The basis of development of reindeer breeding is the natural fodder veg-etation growing in the Arctic latitudes. Reindeer pastures are differentiated grounds and as any object of specific use possess natural scientific and legal signs. In this regard there is a need for definition of a place of pastures as a part of uniform land fund of the country. The research objective was the analysis of northern reindeer breeding value for Krasnoyarsk region and the condition of the legislation on the concept of cervine pastures and their seasonality, using according to zoning of the territories suitable for using by indigenous ethnic groups for maintenance of development of traditional kinds of activity. In Krasnoyarsk region at the legislative level with adoption of the law "About protection of primordial habitat and traditional way of life of indigenous ethnic groups of Krasnoyarsk region" and the law of Kras-noyarsk region "About the state support of northern reindeer breeding in Krasnoyarsk region" questions of protection and protection of primordial habitat of indigenous ethnic groups are settled and the order of formation of territories of traditional environmental management is established.

reindeer pastures, northern deer pastures, north
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