Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the historiography of problems of creation and ac-tivity of the economic council of Krasnoyarsk economic region which was in force in 1957-1965. The main objective of the study is to highlight the main stages and trends in the history of the study of the industry management and construction reforms of 1957-1965. Historiographical analysis of work covers the period from the beginning of the reform to the present day. The basis is the principle of historicism and special historiographical methodolo-gy. In the historiography of the issue under study throughout the country can be divided into three stages: 1957-1965, 1965-1987 and 1987-2013. The first of these coincided with the timing of the reform itself. The second stage covers the period from the elimination of the economic councils (CHX) to the beginning of perestroika. The third stage involves the de-ideologization of history and re-interpretation of the Soviet legacy. Historiography analysis of industry and construction management reform suggests that the study of this issue, as on the national and at the regional level at an early stage. It is not enough studied history of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Council, forming the structure of its governing bodies, their work on the development of basic industries and construction. The activity by the decision of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Council Economic Area social problems requires studying. The study of these problems will help to understand the functioning of the Soviet economic system at different stages of development of the country and the role of Krasnoyarsk region in solving the problems of economic and social development in the country’s division of labor and international economic cooperation.

historiography, the Krasnoyarsk Economic Council, Kras-noyarsk Economic Area, reform of industry management and construction in 1957-1965
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