The article makes an attempt to analyze the causes and consequences of the confrontation between the Bolsheviks and other political forces on the is-sue of establishment and activity of Parliament. By the autumn of 1917 the political crisis in Russia sharply escalated. The greatest benefit of this situa-tion drew the Bolsheviks, who had shown themselves the most organized and decisive force. In these circumstances the Provisional government at-tempted to emerge from the crisis in a democratic way. The Temporary Council of the Republic ("Parliament") is created. It was assumed that it would control the government until the convening of the Constituent Assem-bly. The Bolsheviks supported Lenin’s position on the necessity of the boycott of the authority, which was implemented in practice. Assessing the perfor-mance of Parliament it can be described as ineffective. None of the issues discussed was supported by concrete decisions. In such circumstances, the Bolshevik Central Committee decided on armed uprising, which was suc-cessfully implemented on 25 October 1917 The last real business of Parlia-ment was the attempt created the so-called "Committee to save the Mother-land and revolution" to carry out 29 October counterrevolution. But the next day this speech was suppressed by the red guards. The history of Parliament finished. Thus, in the autumn of 1917 in Russia the line of the democratic, re-formist, parliamentary development path and the line of far left radicalism, aimed at the destruction of the existing political regime confronted. As a re-sult of this collision, the power was in the hands of Bolsheviks, whose slo-gans responded the interests of wide layers of the population.
pre-Parliament, Constituent Assembly, the Provisional government, the Bolsheviks, the October revolution
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