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Abstract (English):
The focus of the article is the so-called “late” period of creativity of the French philosopher Derrida. On a material of the period the author attempts to review intelligent design from the point of Derrida’s philosophy of reli-gion. Turning to the analysis of concepts such as “being”, “name”, “God” and naming operations can be established that the “religious” turn of thought Derrida as the leitmotif of all deconstructive project appears as a single, co-herent intellectual construction. The author points out that despite the mys-tical alterations inherent discourse Derrida, his philosophical project is largely similar to the philosophical and religious quests Kant. As a result, Derrida's philosophical project is considered in comparison with the critical rationalism of Kant. Arguments for the assumption are that the pathos of philosophical and religious projects of Kant and Derrida can be reduced to a kind of apologia of reason.

deconstruction, difference, being, naming, Derrida, Kant, religion
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