Passenger air transportation plays a key role in world economy today. Constant increase in passenger traffic dictates the need of optimization of this type of transport for the purpose of decrease in costs and increase in the income. An important role is played now by the problem of tariffing of air transportation worldwide. In the conditions of competitive fight airlines are compelled to provide to consumers more available tariffs that reduce the in-come from primary activity. Traditional control systems of airlines’ income use forecasting and optimizing models which assume separate requirements for each class of payment for journey on site flight, and/or for every way of passengers and a class of a tariff to networks of airlines. This assumption of independence of demand allows characterizing some options of tariffs with various restrictions on everyone, such as the minimum requirements to stay, preliminary booking and rules of sale of tickets or their return taking into account deductions or as the irretrievable. Passengers could choose this type of tariff, assuming that they can buy only this type, without having oppor-tunity to choose lower fare, other route or other airline. In this work the analysis of the new theory of optimization of management of the income which can be applied to the structure of tariffs of various airlines is carried out. Its application will allow airlines to continue use of traditional control systems of the income and mechanisms of safety of control of places, thereby increasing efficiency of functioning.
logistics, air transportation, management
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