Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject matter of the study is the model of Russian social policy. The scope of the study is the problems of transformation Russian modern social policy to the most effective model according to institutional and economy opportunities. The purpose of the study was positioning Russian model of social policy among foreign models of social policy. Also we must show the characteristics of the most effective models and to note the aspects and op-portunities transferring to its. The objectives of the stud was the detection of general sketches to classification the social policy models, the classification of social policy models according to chosen criterions and positioning Rus-sian model of social policy among foreign models of social policy, argumen-tation the most effective model of social policy for Russian economy accord-ing to Russian social institutes and Russian economical tasks, the detection conditions of achievement of the most effective model. The methods of the study were comparative analogy, induction, deduction, analyses, synthesis, institutional analyses, cliometria, systems approach, scientific abstraction. The singularity from the scientific perspective and theoretical relevance of the research: connectional argument the theoretical basis of effective model for Russian economy. Classification criterions of social policy models were systemized according to social institutes. It was made a conclusion that Rus-sian social policy model gravitated to continental model and the most effec-tive model was a Sweden model. The conditions for transfer to effective model of Russian social policy were demonstrated.

social policy, model, social institute, classification, criteri-ons, effectiveness, macroeconomic policy
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