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Abstract (English):
The relevance of this subject is caused by the fact that the youth policy is an important direction of state policy which lays future foundation for social and economic development of the region and the country in general. The ob-ject of research is the youth policy of Krasnoyarsk region. The subject of re-search is social business as the most perspective direction of youth policy of the region. The objective of this research is on the basis of the analysis of the existing youth policy of Krasnoyarsk region to offer recommendations on its improvement due to the development of youth social business. The tasks are to find out the essence and features of youth policy of Russia and Krasno-yarsk region; to show the place and role of social business in youth policy of the region; to define the ways of improvement of youth policy due to the de-velopment of social business in the region. The main conclusions of the au-thors are in the following. The role of social business in the regional econo-my is shown. Social business is capable to solve some problems of the socie-ty. First, it is an element of youth social policy which allows involving youth in business vigorous creative activity. Secondly, social business allows using youth potential for the development of economy of the region and the coun-try in general. Thirdly, social business will allow solving many problems and support ing many directions of social policy which financing in the re-gion is not enough (and in the country in general) and which shows the set of gaps and unresolved problems. Thus, social business is capable of solving at the same time some problems in social and economic policy and therefore for Krasnoyarsk region it becomes one of the most important directions of regional policy. The main problems of development of social business in economy of the region are defined and the ways of their decision are shown.

social business, region economy, youth policy, social and economic efficiency, support of social business, development
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