Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Regional Workshop "The craft and vocational training on the Yenisey: traditions and innovations" was held. The real possibilities of using the craft traditions to improve the quality of professional education was first dis-cussed in detail. Among the participants there were tutors and managers of the system of highter and secondary education from schools and Institutes which are located in several territories and towns of Krasnoyarsk region, primarily near the Yenisei. Craft and handicrafts in the world today are an effective means of prevention, protection, rehabilitation and social integra-tion of socially disadvantaged people, including people with disabilities. Re-gional Workshop for the first time has created the opportunity to meet craftsmen and professionals not only to discuss common problems of voca-tional training pedagogy and psychology in the context of trade, but also for self-presentation. The development of the traditions of craft activities in the content of modern vocational training is an effective form of social and psy-chological rehabilitation of the population, especially in times of crisis. De-spite the development of information technology, manufacturing technology and increased service component of the economy, it is necessary to maintain and strengthen the importance of crafts for the conservation of cultural and moral values, identity and self-sufficient society. The preservation and strengthening of craft traditions is necessary for the education of aesthetic taste, outlook, mental flexibility, interpersonal skills of students. It develops self-reliance and self-esteem of a person. It gives the sense of pride of own abilities and achievements of a student, as well as the moral barriers that do not allow to look for quick results and easy success through the use of coun-terfeits and surrogates in the intellectual and physical kinds of job.

handicraft, skill, professional training, creation, workshop
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