In the study the questions of perspective development of dairy pro-cessing industry in the conditions of territorial and production localization are considered. The specifics of productive forces of local territory directly influences territorial structure of integrated formations. In the relation to regions of agro-industrial specialization it is expressed that the most part of branches of agrarian sector has much the capacities distributed in space. The production of dairy raw materials and the possibility of their processing are compared on climatic zones of Altai Region. The conclusion about the need of optimization of functioning of dairy market in this territory regard-ing more rational placement of raw material resources and taking into ac-count the demand for dairy products is drawn; it is offered to concentrate efforts on the development of raw materials markets of Biysk and Chumyshsky, Prisalairsky and Prialeysky zones in connection with the exist-ence of raw potential and weak security with their refinery capacities here. Analyzing productive and economic activity of various organizations on power, it is possible to draw the conclusion that the greatest specific weight on the volume of the let-out dairy products is occupied by the large milk-processing enterprises, at the same time their load within a year is uneven that speaks as seasonality of production of milk and decrease in level of its production, and unevenness of revenues to processing. Localization will al-low rationalizing commodity and raw streams, seasonality of intake of milk for industrial processing that in general will effectively be reflected in func-tioning of the organizations.
dairy production, placement, production capacity, locali-zation
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