The purpose of the study is the research of the problem of concentration and centralization of agricultural production in the USA on the example of using Soviet experience of agrarian and industrial complex development. Our country in Soviet period showed that large agricultural enterprises, ag-ricultural farms, associations can increase effective use of agricultural grounds, cultivated areas. In the study the example of the work of two larg-est agricultural enterprises of the country was given: state farm "Nazarovsky" and state farm "Iskra" which in Post-Soviet time, having be-come JSC "Nazarovsky" and JSC "Iskra" did not lose their advanced posi-tions in the country. It is proved by the analysis of their annual reports of 2014 in which it is shown that profitability level in the first farm in plant growing made 26 %, in milk production it was 48.3 %, in the second farm respectively 23.6 % and 48.4 %. In 2015 in these farms the profitability was also high. JSC "Nazarovskoye" and JSC" Iskra" belong to the first group of financially stable agricultural enterprises of Krasnoyarsk Region. The USA, having studied the USSR experience in the formation of large-scale farms in the form of agro-industrial enterprises, proves the advantages of this coun-try in the world market of agricultural production. The study can help to in-vestigate the problem of concentration and centralization of agricultural production in Russia and Region and to draw the conclusion that instead of proportional distribution of budgetary funds the principle of their allocation to effectively working enterprises which, as a rule, are larger has to be real-ized. It will stimulate the association of small-scale enterprises in larger and more perspective.
concentration, centralization, specialization, effectively working enterprises
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