The purpose of the research was studying the influence of the state sup-port of farms on the development of the branch of sheep breeding in Krasno-yarsk Region. Research problems included studying of current state of sheep breeding in Krasnoyarsk Region and also its retrospective analysis on the basis of studying of the number of sheep and goats, wool production from 1990 for 2016; the influence of the state support of farming on the develop-ment of sheep breeding in the region. It is established that the number of farm animals in the branch of sheep breeding in Krasnoyarsk Region for previous 27 years in the farms of all categories was reduced by 12.6 times and by 2017 made 58.9 thousand headds. The distribution of livestock of sheep and goats in the forms of managing is studied and it is established that today 93.9 % of animals are concentrated in small forms of managing - in private farming and country (farmer) farms (17.3 and 76.6 % respective-ly). Such indicators as the number of sheep and goats are analysed and clipped wool in farms of all categories during 1990-2016, and it is estab-lished that the greatest losses happened in agricultural organizations where the herd was reduced by 170 times, and the production of wool stopped; in private farming the herd decreased by 2,9 times, clipped wool was reduced by 4.3 times; and in country (farmer) farms, on the contrary, there was an increase in the quantity of sheep and goats by 102 times and clipped wool by 13 times. It is established that in country (farmer) farms the greatest growth rates of indicators are recorded beginning from 2012 that is connected, in our opinion, with introduction since 2012 of measures of the state support of farming in Krasnoyarsk Region. It is established that as a result of subsidiz-ing of country (farmer) farms since 2012 the number of sheep and goats on the farms increased in Krasnoyarsk Region by 2.5 times, and clipped wool increased by 2.6 times.
country (farmer) farms, state support, sheep breeding, Krasnoyarsk Region, herd, wool production
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