from 01.01.2002 to 01.01.2022
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The agrarian and industrial complex (AIC) of Russian Federation is still in the crisis state caused by radical transformation of economic way and still has negative influence of disparity of prices for products of agricultural enterprises and consumer goods and services used by them, nonequivalence of economic relations of participants of agrarian and industrial production. The importance saving agrarian and industrial production from crisis is caused by great influence of agrarian sphere on the development of all branches of national economy, high social importance of products. For the formation of economically steady, developing on an innovative way agrari-an and industrial complex integration processes between the producers of agricultural production and the enterprises of processing are carried out now. The main mechanism of such structural transformation of the complex is the creation of large integrated structures. In this regard there is a need of adaptation of tools and methods of formation of integrated structures to modern economic conditions. Within this research the role and value of agrarian and industrial integration in ensuring food security of the popula-tion are shown. Economic problems, factors, conditions and prerequisites of development of agrarian and industrial integration are revealed.
integration processes, the integrated structures, agro-industrial complex, agro-industrial integration
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