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Abstract (English):
On the materials of Krasnoyarsk Region the experience of application of public-private partnership is considered. The analysis of standard and legal and program documents in this area is given. The problems arising in using PPP mechanisms in economic practice are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that to the middle of the 2010-s in the region there was no serious effective work on the introduction of this form of interaction of business and the power. The Law of Krasnoyarsk Region adopted in 2011 "About partici-pation of Krasnoyarsk Region in public-private partnership" did not find its realization in practice. In 2015 after adoption of the Federal law No. 224-FZ "About public-private partnership, municipal and private partnership in the Russian Federation and modification of separate acts of the Russian Federa-tion" the situation began to improve. The creation in 2016 of the project of Strategy of social and economic development of Krasnoyarsk Region till 2030 became an important stage on this way. The analysis of this document shows that its statement taking into account necessary adjustments will al-low getting moving forward significantly to the question of development of public-private partnership in the region. At the same time separate sections of the projected Strategy demand completion from the point of view of using PPP mechanisms, in particular the section on development of agrarian and industrial complex, and also logistic infrastructure of the consumer market. In the study the conclusion is drawn that the regional authorities should use more widely the practices available in modern science on the algorithms of choice of models and PPP forms from the point of view of their maximum ef-ficiency for the budget and private partners.

public-private partnership, municipal and private part-nership, Krasnoyarsk Region, strategy, investments
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