Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study the questions of functioning of institute of public control in connection with adoption of new Federal law "About bases of public control in Russian Federation" are considered. Special attention is paid to the ques-tions of definition of concept of public control, the purposes and the princi-ples of the new law, the status of subjects of public control, the rights of pub-lic controllers, the responsibility of authorities by the results of public con-trol. The following is carried out to the purposes of the law: ensuring reali-zation and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, providing ac-counting of public opinion, public assessment of activity of bodies and or-ganizations. To the problems of public control are carried: the formation and development of civil sense of justice; the increase of level of trust of citi-zens to the activity of the state; ensuring close interaction of the state with institutes of civil society; the assistance to the prevention and permission of the social conflicts; the realization of civil initiatives directed to the protec-tion of the rights and freedoms of the person public associations; promote ensuring transparency and openness of activity of public authorities; the formation in society system of intolerance to the corruption behavior; the increase of the efficiency of activity of federation of authorities. In the num-ber of the principles are called: legality, voluntariness, independence, pub-licity, civil objectivity. Separate is given the characteristic principles, pecu-liar to public control, among them is the principle of public inadmissibility of unreasonable ensuring of intervention of subjects of public control in the activity of bodies such and the organizations and rendering illegal influence of the power on them. The law responsibility establishes a presumption of integrity of activity of authorities’ and the organizations. The author makes the conclusion about the purposes of importance and urgency of federal adoptions of given normative legal act in interests of development of civil society in Russia. .

social control, subjects of public control, public councils, government’s public controller, public assessment
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1. Ob osnovah obschestvennogo kontrolya v Rossiyskoy Federacii: fe-der. zakon // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2014. - 23 iyulya.

2. Krysin L.P. Tolkovyy slovar' inoyazychnyh slov. - M.: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2006. - S. 392.

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