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Abstract (English):
Siberia in 1917 was socio-political and economic suburb of Russia. But its geopolitical value in the conditions of World War I and the effort of fight for natural resources constantly increased. It is possible to note that in Sibe-ria all main political parties worked. They also tried to define further ways of development as Russia in general, and the Siberian region in particular. Already the whole century politicians and then historians try to estimate the value of revolutionary events in Siberia of that time in an overall picture of the second Russian revolution. It is expedient to pay, first of all, attention to activity of the Siberian regionalists. They appeared representatives of de-mocratic socialism, dreamed that Siberia would become free, equal part of the Russian Federation. On a democracy wave in Siberia Councils of work-ers and soldiers’ deputies for a sample of 1905 revive. But Councils were bodies class and democratic on the general orientation. And executive public committees of safety with various names became originally democratic force at this time. Modern historiography testifies that these committees were never wholly bodies of Provisional government, but in Siberia interaction with them was carried out in a bigger measure, than in other parts of Rus-sia. It is possible to note that in Siberia revolutionary events developed ac-cording to similar scenario with Petrograd, as if were their echo. But also regional specifics changed. So, in Siberian region there were more opportu-nities for creation of wide democratic front during this period. However, gradually subjective actions of job lots and persons similar destroyed aspi-ration of masses. In Siberia in the RSDRP organizations (CDs) long time Bolsheviks and Mensheviks acted together. It is necessary to emphasize that Mensheviks" thought up contemptuous concept «Leninists, having called themselves "Bolsheviks". Gradually and here polarization between two of these currents begins amplifying and in the Siberian region. Revolutionary socialists (Social Revolutionaries) who appeared the most mass party very vigorously acted during this period. They tried to defend democratic legal positions the constitutional democrats (cadets). However, the influence of bourgeois liberal ideas on the people at large gradually more and more de-creased. Indecisive and sluggish policy of Provisional government, the sup-port of imperialistic war to them more and more radicalized regions, includ-ing Siberia.

second Russian revolution, Siberia, Siberian regionalists, social democrats, Bolsheviks, Social Revolutionaries, cadets, Councils, com-mittees of public safety, First All-Russian congress of councils of workers and soldiers’ deputies
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